Sunday, August 19, 2007

well uni huh?

yeah its been what 20 days since i posted. i know its long but at least im posting more often which is good and means that im getting a little bit less lasy. anyway whats to write about today? well unis going better but i've been sleep in nearly all my lectures recently which i dont mind but it seems that my tutors are starting to notice so i kinda got to stop cause they are picking on me. tutes are ok except for one of them were we are learning how to use cs2 again so i just skip that one. what else i think ive been getting lasy with my work i have left everything to the last minute like vcd last year. so im kidna screwed later this year.

yeah what o talk about???........... well god rocks hes is the one who saves me!!! but yeah im having some trouble with my christian faith atm i havent been doing ym quiet times so i kinda have to get back into doing them. oh duc and age im sorry about yesterday i didnt actually do hw instead of going to YA. sorrie guys i kinda just didnt feel like going. oh and umm i kinda got to tell u guys some stuff im having trouble with atm and kinda wana get off my chest. anyway onto more happy things today tim costella(i think thats how u spell his name) came to our church to preach which was cool. umm what was he talking about?? oh yeah he was taking about redemption and the fact that our christian and world view of redemption has become narrow. it was reallie something.

the other thing he was talking about was stop the trafix!!! which was a move to stop the slave trade in the world. i mean its true that slave trade was actually abolished like ages ago but the fact is its still going on today and its just inhumane. anyway if u guys wana come watch a movie for $4 at waverly gardens you guys can come. the movie is amazing grace. u know the movie about the dude who stood up for the abolishment of the slave trade and its inhumane practice.

7pmVillage Cinemas, Waverley GardensCr Jacksons & Police Roads, MulgraveTickets still available.

any way thats my ramblings for today its kinda heavy so yeah


  1. nice to see ya around.

    ahh.. my quiet time is out of whack too =[

    but keep at it !!

  2. hmm i thinks u need new blog =]

  3. Anonymous10:43 PM

    konbanwa !!! :P
    check my blog too !!
    tk cr
