Thursday, September 03, 2009

anitisocial life

hmmm well as the title says i feel like being anti social. i dunno really i get up and think lets go to monash and its like................. i cbb then just then i was on the forum chat and i just got on but liek i felt wierd i felt like i didnt want to be there. i dun really get it i feel like im becoming an antisocial person. i feel like i go uni then i come home. i stay at home and watch anime read manga then sleep. i go work come home .......... only once in a while i go out wid friends but its like wierd i feel like i dun belong wid them anymore sigh. i dunno anymore. what am i aiming for? who am i? what am i doing? i feel like im loosing myself and how to interact with people nowadays. the only real interaction i have with people is uni, work, church and the ocasional trip to monash. i dunno anymore i just feel so wierd... sigh hope i can work it out.

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

yes lost phone

yo yo today was ................................ surprising.

first up i got up late i slept through like 3 separate alarms that have snooze functions and i like turned them of one by one for like an hour without knowing it. so i got to uni late for group work lols. and like had to get most of it done which i did surprisingly. oh then i took the bus home. this is where it gets intresting lols. well i was playing world ends with u again. this time trying to finish it becuase my last one crashed on me. so yeah this time should work. well i realised we got to stud park so i rushed to pack the ds back into my bag and get off the bus. and guess what i had ym phoen on my stomach while i was playing and when i got up the phone fell onto teh ground and didnt notice. so i got off the bus without my phone............ i walk 5 m and reaise its not on me. i rush back to the bus but it leaves just as i reach the back of the bus. theres another bus there so i go ask the driver of that bus about getting my phone back and he's like its with the other company u need to get in contact with them. so i run home get the phone and call the bus terminal. the guy there is like i'll call the bus for u and see if its there and give u a call back. he calls back like 20 mins later to tell me that my phone was on the bus and that its a tthe terminal now and i could go pick it up. lucky.
now that was an eventful day. i consider myself really luck as the bus was going back to the terminal not onto caulfield where i doubt i woudl have gotten m y phone back. so yay! i got it back and now can mess around on it still hehe.

@celine yup yupyup i'll get u a souviner dunno what prob be a key chain or something dunno depends on where i go lols. then again i duno what im going to buy there hehehe

@sandra a rock? why a rock? can i even get a rock through customs? ............... i'll try get u one but dunno what will happen lols prob loose it before then lols.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

lols blog update lols

ok i finally remembered my blog lols. thing is my life is pretty uneventful. there is like nothign to talk about i go to uni or work then come home and do nothing. not a very exciting life is it? as u can tell from my previous post most of the time i blog is when i want to vent. wich isnt really a good thing because i upset other people and stuff. but meh. well now im going to try to blog normally about every day random things.

lets see first up, for all thoes who dont know im going to tokyo!!! wooots lols. im going from the 20th of nov to the 2nd of dec. its going to be awesome. cant wait for it although studying for liek most of it im going to have like 4 days to see parts of tokyo. there is so much i wnat to see but not enough time. hopefully i can go around and find all that i want. first up im going to shop. thats the first thing im going to do, go to shibuya and shinjiku. then im going to go to akihabara if i have time and take lots of happy snaps of me around there. hopefully i dun get lost and can find my way back to my hotel. lols then theres the fish market which would be awesome then im going to take my piccy in like a jap convi store lols. eat convi store food, vending machine drinks lols. find a wierd vending machine and see what it vends. lols visit lots of places around tokyo hopefully. i really want to go to yokohama and see the international port terminal but its close but far and i dont really have that much time to travel. will have to save it for the next trip. i really want to take aphoto of the 101 building and time square
its liek a must. dunno what else im going to do there will see. hopefully i can have tons of fun lols.

hmm......... daily life whats happened lately............ manifest? well that was awesome loved it. i got a fan girl from that that was funny lols. bought tons of moyashimon hehehe. they are awesome. then not much else to talk about.

my work got renovated so new store looks awesome. though because of the look i feel like i have to dress really nicely so ive been wearing shirts and vests and tie's like every day lols. which is fun and i think looks cool and nice. i might start wearing it more oftern. minus the tie and prob wear jeans and sneakers instead of slacks and black shoes. now i need to save save save need to save so much lols

dunno what else to say except hw disappear i dun want u u are annoying lols and gl for all thoes who have exams !!!!! ganbate !!